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People are lost in sin and can not find their way ..

Lead me to some soul today,
O teach me, Lord, just what to say;
People are lost in sin,
And cannot find their way.
Few there are who seem to care,
And few there are who pray;
Melt my heart, and fill my life,
Give me one soul today.

(Gen 30:1) "..Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel ..said..Give me children, or else I die!"


Can you find the conerstone in each of the following pictures?  

The problem Ergon intends to solfe

Less and less congregations want to get involved in outreachess if they dont have a sence of security. 

When a group goes on an outreach they mostly go on an outreach for themselfs. The primary reason isnt for the people they are visiting to come to know Jesus but rater to become badg holders that we went on an outreach and have obaid the Great Commition.

Feer within an outreach group of an over attached mission field need, that the need will overwhell the group. Humanly we want to ceep something to ourselfs. A privite space that must not be penetrated, a place to rest and recouperate after a days work. A place to go to wear the public doesnt know to get hold of you. Still with the understanding that after your rest you will return. The thruth however is that humanly we hold back and look for a hide out place because we are afraid of getting heart specialy when we have made ourselfs volnerabille.


Ergon wants to build this understandable relationship - trust, betwean the outreach group (you) and the unsaved (township, culture, country) groups in the world.


Right and wrong is generale way groups tent to think about way they are not geting on with the grear commition and it is a smaller persentige of way people dont go. Ergon want you to rather understand that even believers in nothing share. So going out persay is not the goal. 

A new couple need to become a familie and in the proses of becoming they need to give atention to the starting of others for them to be familie. That is becoming father and mother, meaning a close not cloused relationship that releases children more and more to become atventurers and eventualy setellers that will cary the legasy. 

A Proses that need to be processed, a balanse to be kept betwean local congregational esablisment, fruitebaring and sead planting by releasing the sead or producing for export - international market. 


In the pictures above it is very clear that the green (representing the water) devides the continents from one anther. As a corck flouts in water without any foundation  That is rather how some people would want humans to think. Some siggest that they were one united land mas one's and have flowted appart over millions of millinia. We are told that earth chaikings are because diffrent earth plats mostly along folts are moving over one another. This leaves humans with a sence of disconection. An understanding that is not realy the houl thruth. This understanding is easily borrowed or  transfered to relationships between generations of people of the same language, calture, sport and more. Driftng  appart is just the way of live.

Ergon provides the security!

Ergon provides the security, betwean the outreach group (you) and the unsaved groups (township, culture, country) in the world.


Loyalty to local cogrigational growth or end of the earth evangelism. Wich one do you understand, choose or priorities during your every day to day evangelism. As a father I strugeld with this question as well but it was addressed when friends invited our familie on a out of the contry vakation. Should we spend the little money we have on a vacation and come back after the vacation and starf.

That kind of question to me was similer to the same kind of problem one of the families in the congregation was having.

I heard a familie was going to be efaquated from their home. The husband lost his job 9 months before and his wife was told that they will let her go in 30 days time. They have 3 children and are ecpecting another in 7months, they are giving a place to sleep for a boy whoes dad has a licare problem. The mother was still stressed and extreamly woried after they shared all the facts. Eventualy she leaped and shared the insecurity, she trusted that we would not hearth hear. She was afraid what people would think of them brining another child in this live but not having the means to car for the child. Being torn between the commitment of children already in this live as to bringing new ones into live. The answer would rather be to ask, what would God say about not having the means to car for those already alive compared to playing your part in sharing the good news so that new believers can become part of the body of Christ. 


Love to releace someone

Obsetion/ fictation on someone because how they make you feel about yourself.



We are a grassroots movement that fosters unity and love betwean the believers of one group and believers in another group, evin betwean unbelievers with the purpose to reach the unbelievers We publish theis stories about how we reach the unreached people to educate, inspire and empower other believers to supporters witnesses around the world. We contribute to the community by starting projects, each project needs a building to help with the need. Donations from true friends like you make this possible, please show your support!

When is the Church Disabled?

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