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How do you read the houl Bible and absorb it all?

Bible Studies

A vast book of literature. 

When you understand the single key concept that unlocks the heart of the bible and the heart of man the amount of content is not a problem anymore. We believe this concept has the potential to revolutionize the way you read the Bible.



The Hebrew word for grace is chesed (חסד). The first time it appears in the Bible is in Genesis 19:19, when Lot thanks the angels of the Lord for warning him before they destroy Sodom and Gomorrah: “…you have shown me great kindness in saving my life.” The “kindness” that the angels have shown is chesed. This is precisely what grace means: compassion with no expectation of reward. chesed is a very rich word, appearing hundreds of times in the Bible. Chesed is the free and unmerited love bestowed by God on human beings, which is the ethical core of so many biblical stories.


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